La Ricerca Migliore e Più Rapida! Acquista lampade LED AR111 su Lampada Diretta. If your luminaire works on High Frequence electronic ballast (HF). Simply replace the old starter with the new (EM) LED starter included in the packaging.
The guide contains important information and notes. Please take the time to read quick installation guide which is showed on.
Make it more brighter by cost saving LED Tube Light. Installation Guide LED T8 Tubes. Take a look at the specially developed installation videos that guide.
LED tUBE LIGHt INStALLAtION GUIDE - Read more about tube, ballast, installation, fluorescent, starter and gently. Exxon Lighting Corporation isnotresponsibleforanydamage or harm caused by improper handing and installation of our T8 Tube. Philips Dynalite creates sophisticated. Quick installation guide - PrimeSet LDM524 EN Important DE Wichtig. All installation and user guides are presented in PDF versions. In order to view these files, you need the latest version of Acrobat Reader. Insert the correct and marked end of the LED tube 7. This high voltage can cause electrical stress on the LED tube and can. LED, avec une procédure d’ installation.
Ce tube LED produit un effet de. Input Input Frequency The operating temperature range of this LED tube is between -20 ~ 45℃. Dimensions (C × D) READ THE INSTALLATION GUIDE CAREFULLY BEFORE. When testingforfeeds,it isnecessaryto have thepoweron.
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